The E3 terminator-Electric Shocker is powered by a CO2 gas canister. This is how it automatically resets after each strike. One gas canister can kill 24 rats and mice before it needs replacing.
Solve Your Rat and Mouse Problems Once and For All!
Peanut Butter Bait
The peanut butter bait attracts rodents into the trap. When they enter and activate the trigger, it releases the striker, delivering a swift blow resulting to a humane end. The trap then automatically resets
E3 Terminator-Electric Shocker is lethal, automatic, self-resetting, non-toxic, A-class humane, STAO approved and perfect for both outdoors & indoors use
RH - Rodent Hunt
All Gone in 2 Weeks
The Rats or mouse in your ceiling, your walls or your compost, under your bed, In your basement, In your kitchen etc ...
The sight, the sound, just the thought of rats chomping through your insulation or scuttling about your home isn’t pretty.
The E3 terminator-Electric Shocker comes with a Trap Stand making it easy to move your trap to target different rodent hotspots and helps dispose of dead pests without touching them.
At Rodent hunt, we specialize in helping you solve your rodent pest problems –
This means getting on top of a bunch of pests - rats and mice for starters. We also want to go about it kindly, without using nasty toxins. That’s why we develop quick kill traps that automatically reset and are easy and safe to use.